SENSECO is composed of four Working Groups (WGs):
Close collaboration between the working groups (WGs) will take place.
Hence WG1 and WG2 are closely linked and will work intensively together. Likewise, there are many common proposers taking part in WG3. Finally, WG4 will provide the calibration, validation and uncertainty budget activities and underpin the other three WGs.
The logics will be optimized for maximum knowledge throughout and dissemination and facilitation of interaction between all WGs.
The capacity-building objectives of the SENSECO Action will be partially achieved by the networking activities: training Schools and workshops. Additionally, the Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM) will complement these activities leading to a robust capacity building across Europe.
MonESCA- Towards an operational very high resolution monitoring of die-off phenomena including the esca complex. In MonESCA wollen wir Esca Symptome und andere Absterbeerscheinungen mit Hilfe von Drohnen erkennen und beobachten.
Gefördert wird MonESCA durch das Luxemburgische Ministerium für Landwirtschaft im Rahmen von EIP- Europäische Innovationspartnerschaft für landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und Nachhaltigkeit.
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